Online code playgrounds and tools for devs

By Michael Williams, Published on 03/08/2016

Sometimes it's not possible to have a full development environment with an IDE or text editor handy. Other times you may need to collaborate or visualize what you're working on. Here are some of the tools I've used over time.

codeanywhere - This is a cross platform cloud IDE, that of the time of this writing has 75 Programming languages syntax, Code completion (js, php, html, css), All device and browser support, etc.. There is a free option available that I don't find lacking at all. You essentially have a full development environment where you can even ssh through their interface to edit your code in VIM if desired.

Day to day I seldom use this, but when on a phone or tablet where support for a full system may not be supported. This is a good alternative.

JS Bin - As their description says. JS Bin is a live pastebin for HTML, CSS & JavaScript and a range of processors, including SCSS, CoffeeScript, Jade and more. You can create, live edit and share JavaScript code. JSFiddle is another popular example with similar functionality.

SQL Fiddle - Here you can create tests schemas with mock data and execute queries. As with the JS alternative, this is good for testing, but also great for helping or receiving help as you can provide live code samples.

regexper - Regular expression visualizer and the reason behind this post. I've written regex and came across a bit of tools fiddling. Today someone made me aware of this site and while not something I'll use too frequently. It's definitely bookmarked. This tool shines with complex patterns as the visual is that of a flow chart or database diagram.

CSSDeck - Online HTML5 CSS3 sandbox.

Cloud9 - similiar to codeanywhere and also allows for share and chat with other developers.